“Flyboy” mural beautifies Wilkinsburg

The mural near the Busway is ‘so much more than art’ Article in Pittsburgh Courier WILKINSBURG RISING—Neon Coleman-Beauford is elated as Hebru Brantley puts the finishing touches on his mural, “Flyboy,” on Wallace Avenue in Wilkinsburg. (Photo by Emmai Alaquiva)...

Crop Walk

CROP Walk 2022 Sunday, October 9, is the date for the CROP Walk for 2022.  This year, each team will pick how and when they will walk.   This is an East End community wide program with many churches in Wilkinsburg, Pittsburgh, Forest Hills, and Edgewood involved.  ...

Shining Moments

Words of Faith Rev. Rita S. Platt February 15, 2015 “Shining Moments” Mark 9:2-8 For many families Harry Potter has become a familiar friend. My grandchildren introduced me to this series and each year a different book in the series appeared on their Christmas lists....

The Exorcist

Words of Faith Rev. Rita S. Platt February 1, 2015 “The Exorcist” Mark 1: 21-28 It has been centuries since the man with the unclean spirit was healed; our understanding of our bodies has increased in leaps and bounds. We know even more about the miracles of our...

It’s Only the First Step

Words of Faith Rev. Rita S. Platt January 25, 2015 “It’s Only the First Step” Mark 1:14-20 What would make you drop everything and pursue an entirely new life? A great job offer? A marriage proposal? The chance to make a huge difference in another part of the world?...