

 We have a worship service each Sunday throughout the year.

During the summer and winter, a blended contemporary and traditional worship service is held in the air-conditioned Wesley Room at 10:00 AM. This service includes special projected images, video, and traditional and contemporary music, along with a sermon and our shared prayers. Following the children’s sermon during this service, the children leave for a special Junior Church. Refreshments are served before and after this worship service.

During the fall and spring, the service is held in our beautiful sanctuary at 10:00 AM.


In the Wesley room the sound of God’s praise reigns supreme. on a Wednesday afternoon you’ll find the Chancel Choir preparing two anthems for each traditional service. or the Bell Choir might be preparing the sweet sound of handbell music. Solo singers may be heard in lessons and rehearsal. Drums, kazoos, and boom-whackers have also been known to flourish here. Our emphasis is on choosing the best music written and presenting it with the care and excellence worthy of the worship of God.

We welcome you to join any of our musical groups. Call the church office at 412.371.7421, or send email to our music director, Janet Lillich Stivanson, at

Christian Education